The company Quales, partner of VSN specialized in providing systems for Video Quality Check, puts some light in this article about the main advantages that any audiovisual company can obtain when using a Quality Check system for content quality control, integrated with a Media Asset Management system like VSNEXPLORER MAM.

The main advantages of having a Quality Check (QC) system adapted to client’s audiovisual workflow are numerous. On the one hand, it reduces the number of manual tasks needed for the quality control and detects errors unnoticeable for human eye, improving the company’s precision and efficiency when developing these tasks.
Furthermore, the flexibility that offers companies the development of QC tasks in any given business process, including multiple error detection (through most common and standardized parameters) and automatic iterations in the detection, allows users to increase their daily performance and efficacy.
Considering the specific case of Quales, we always bet on Quality Check technology that can be simultaneously applied to multiple audiovisual sources and recurrent tests that can be easily customized and always on less time that in reality. That is, you check one time and repeat the process using different thresholds based on databases. A process that in the end, offers users greater immediacy.
Due to all these, a QC system adds value to any given company, because all the content that is being broadcasted through the platform always implies a high level of quality that end-users value both objectively and subjectively. Moreover, a QC system avoids unnecessary blocking of content and it can be easily adapted to new formats and types of content. And additionally, if we integrate a QC with MAM (Media Asset Management), such as the one provided by VSNEXPLORER media management system, the final performance gets even better.
Thinking on the specific advantages of an integration of this type, end-users could, for instance, analyse, detect errors and verify all its content in the same precise moment that the ingest takes place. Moreover, the distribution of files through the system could allow them to send those files comprising more additional information and even including detailed reports about both video and audio quality of each file ingested in the system. In the end, all these provide a direct benefit for media companies because they help users to count on more information about their content, as well as to maintain a strict control of their quality before and after broadcasting them.
VSN and Quales clients are already working with integrated solutions of this kind and obtaining high satisfaction levels because of its ease of use when checking all content in the points of control established by themselves. Furthermore, the flexibility that these type of integrations usually provide for configuring and customizing the system to end-user’s needs and requirements help them to count on the perfect software solution for their business processes optimization and content quality control throughout the whole production line.